Check planned C-section facts

Check here to see if you know some important facts about planned C-section. 


1) C-sections are mostly done with you awake

  1. True
    1. Answer: Yes, this is true! A Cesarean birth is most commonly performed using either an epidural or spinal medication so the mother can be awake.
  1. False
    1. Answer: Actually, this is true. A Cesarean birth is most commonly performed using either an epidural or spinal medication so the mother can be awake.
  1. Not Sure
    1. Answer: This is true. A Cesarean birth is most commonly performed using either an epidural or spinal medication so the mother can be awake.


2) Women ​who have a planned C-section are less likely to have problems from surgery than women who have an emergency C-section.

  1. True
    1. Answer: Yes this is true! Planned Cesarean carries less risk of complications than when a Cesarean is done during labor for emergency reasons.
  1. False
    1. Answer: Actually, this is true. Planned Cesarean carries less risk of complications than when a Cesarean is done during labor for emergency reasons.
  1. Not Sure
    1. Answer: This is true. Planned Cesarean carries less risk of complications than when a Cesarean is done during labor for emergency reasons.


3) Str​ong pain medicine is rarely needed after a C-section.

  1. True
    1. Answer: Actually, this is false. Strong pain relief is often needed after cesarean birth. This is because it is major abdominal surgery and it can be painful to heal and recover.
  1. False
    1. Answer: Correct, this is false. Strong pain relief is often needed after Cesarean birth. This is because it is major abdominal surgery and it can be painful to heal and recover.
  1. Not Sure
    1. Answer: This is false. Strong pain relief is often needed after Cesarean birth. This is because it is major abdominal surgery and it can be painful to heal and recover.


4) Babies a​r​e more likely to experience some minor breathing problems after a planned C-section. 

  1. True
    1. Answer: Yes, this is true. It more common for babies born by Cesarean birth to have some breathing problems right after being born.
  1. False
    1. Answer: Actually, this is true. It more common for babies born by Cesarean delivery to have some breathing problems right after being born.
  1. Not Sure
    1. Answer: This is true. It more common for babies born by Cesarean to have some breathing problems right after being born.


5) Women who have C-section are at more risk of having ​blood loss or needing a blood transfusion than women who have a vaginal birth.

  1. True
    1. Answer: Yes, this is true. Cesareans in general result in more blood loss than a vaginal birth and a blood transfusion could be needed if too much blood is lost.
  1. False
    1. Answer: Actually, this is true. Cesareans in general result in more blood loss than a vaginal birth and a blood transfusion could be needed if too much blood is lost.
  1. Not Sure
    1. Answer: This is true. Cesareans in general result in more blood loss than a vaginal birth and a blood transfusion could be needed if too much blood is lost.