Increase your chances of VBAC success

Is it possible to incr​ease the chance of successful VBAC?

There are some things you can do during pregnancy to improve your chance of a successful VBAC. 

  1. A healthy diet and exercise
    1. Focus on making yourself as healthy as can be. A healthy diet and getting exercise is important even when you are not pregnant so take the opportunity to look after your body and your growing baby.
  1. Being the right weight for your height
    1. Women who are overweight or obese are less likely to have a successful VBAC than women who are of normal weight. It is important to discuss your target pregnancy weight gain with your provider. Ask for a plan to help you reach the best weight range for you. If you need help to access healthy food ask your provider about the WIC program.
  1. Having good labor support
    1. Good labor support is very important and can increase your chance of a successful VBAC. Your labor nurse is there to support you but having another person, such as your partner, may also help. If you bring a friend or family member to support you make sure this person understands their role as your support person. They need to be prepared to provide what you need and what is important to you in labor. Your labor support person is there to help you feel confident, in control, and more satisfied with your birth experience.
  1. Having labor start on its own
    1. If possible allow labor to begin on its own. If you want to learn more about natural methods to help get labor started, talk with your doctor or midwife about what you can do to help bring on labor towards the end of your pregnancy.